Directors Note
Since 2011, we have committed ourselves to becoming an industry leader in commercial cleaning and setting a new benchmark of what our customers should expect from their cleaning team.
We hold ourselves to a higher standard and our commitment to doing business the right way for our customers, our staff, the environment, and your community. We look for efficiency throughout our process, have a “we’re here to help” attitude, and ensure we remain price competitive for our customers. I believe in creating a great customer experience by providing a great cleaning service.
With a background working and managing 5-star hotels and fine dining restaurants in Sydney, London, Miami, and Brisbane, I developed a strong understanding of what is needed to work with a variety of different cultures, how to communicate clear expectations with staff, and how to consistently deliver exceptional results to my customers.
“We pride ourselves on consistency, quality of staff and product, and providing a comprehensive and
robust cleaning service”.
I have used my experience to create a team culture in Solutions 4 Cleaning that understands the value of giving it your best every time, being available to help, and that our results are based on getting the basics right along with an eye for detail.
At Solutions 4 Cleaning we believe our purpose is to provide a cleaning service that delivers peace of mind allowing our customers the freedom to focus on their business needs rather than their business cleanliness. Our promise is to always have a well-managed team of certified cleaners and provide them with the tools and skills necessary to deliver a clean and hygienic environment for your business, every time.
Our commitment to continually improving our customer experience and ensuring that we deliver consistent cleaning service for the long term have seen the implementation of
training programs, advanced cleaning software and scheduling, quality assurance reporting and a move towards sustainable and environmentally conscious products.
With all this, we have been able to create a robust cleaning service across multiple sectors including Health & Wellness, Education, Corporate, Retail & Government with great success, resulting in many long-term happy customers.
Experience the difference with
Solutions 4 Cleaning
Call us directly
1300 860 832